Tracy Osborn

plays with a lot of tools.

Was inspired by Wes Bos's collection of "Uses" pages so I thought I would add my own!

Editor and Terminal

  • Code editor for big things: At the moment I am using Atom though I know the entire world has been recommending Visual Studio Code, so I'm probably going to switch to that as soon as I get off my butt.

  • Code editor for little things: MacVim. I have a command I can use from my terminal to pop open pages quickly for editing. I also use MacVim if I want to use it for big vim things (like macros).

  • Terminal: iTerm2. I especially like the hotkey window to pop down a terminal wherever I am.

Design Apps

  • I generally use Sketch if I'm working on a new design from scratch.

  • For image editing things, I still use Adobe Photoshop.

Book Creation

Desk Setup

  • I'm using a fairly-old Apple Cinema Display with a 2016 Macbook Pro. May they never die.

  • My chair is an Ikea computer chair with a sheepskin hanging over the back.