Tracy Osborn

wants to help more women jump into tech, speaking, and entrepreneurship.

  • When I’m the only woman at an event

    I run a startup, I am very involved in the programming world, and I attend a lot of conferences throughout the year. Often at events, dinners, or meetups I notice ...

  • I was underpaid for years and I didn't know it

    The recent hashtag #talkpay on Twitter reminded me of a situation I found myself in at a former job. I contracted with a local startup during my last few years ...

  • Why we need events like the Female Founders Conference

    The Female Founders Conference by Y Combinator was last Saturday, attracting hundreds of female startup founders (and aspiring founders) to Mountain View, some flying from across the country to attend. ...

  • Don't settle for easy

    Keep working, keep learning, and don't be discouraged. Apprentice yourself to, or work with, people who know what they're doing. Don't settle for easy. Don't be too lenient on your ...